

Your con­tact for
all health questions

We see our­selves as spe­cial­ists for the whole per­son and are con­vinced that our patients are more than the sum of their diag­noses, lab­o­ra­to­ry val­ues and indi­vid­ual organ sys­tems. We see our­selves as pilots and con­tact per­sons for all health-relat­ed ques­tions, at any age and in every phase of life — always on an equal foot­ing with you, the patient.

We have the option of a wide range of instru­ment-based diag­nos­tics in our prac­tice — if nec­es­sary, we will coor­di­nate your fur­ther treat­ment with med­ical spe­cial­ists. In addi­tion to the treat­ment of dis­eases, the main focus of our work is on pre­ven­tion, i.e. pre­vent­ing dis­eases before they develop.

for the whole team,



Vir­chow­str. 14
97072 Würzburg-Sanderau

Tram stop:
with lines 1 and 4

Consultation Hours

Mo: 8:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. and
16:00 p.m. — 18:00 p.m

Tue: 8:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. and
4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m

Wed: 8:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m

Thu: 8:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m
Con­sul­ta­tion hours for pro­fes­sion­als (with
Appoint­ments) until 7 p.m.

Fri: 8:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m

Acute Cases

We treat acute cas­es with­out an appoint­ment, at any time dur­ing our office hours. If you can­not come to us, we will come to you if there is a med­ical indi­ca­tion – whether as an acute vis­it or as a reg­u­lar vis­it for a chron­ic illness.

Medical on-call service

If you need med­ical help at night, at the week­end or on pub­lic hol­i­days with­out it being an emer­gency, the med­ical on-call ser­vice will help you. He can be reached direct­ly on the tele­phone num­ber 116 117 (nation­wide with­out area code).

Medical Emergency

If you can­not reach any­one in our prac­tice in the event of an acute med­ical emer­gency, please con­tact the res­cue coor­di­na­tion cen­ter. She can be reached on the tele­phone num­ber 112 (nation­wide with­out area code).

Dr. med. Thomas Vescovi


spe­cial­ist in gen­er­al medicine,
emer­gency medicine


I com­plet­ed my med­ical stud­ies as a med­ical offi­cer with the Ger­man Armed Forces and after my license to prac­tice med­i­cine in 2001, I con­tin­ued my edu­ca­tion in the cen­tral hos­pi­tal of the Ger­man Armed Forces in Koblenz, in the fields of inter­nal med­i­cine and surgery, to become a spe­cial­ist in gen­er­al med­i­cine. I com­plet­ed the out­pa­tient part of the train­ing in a large rur­al med­ical prac­tice in the out­skirts of Koblenz.

Since 2012, I have been run­ning the fam­i­ly doctor’s prac­tice found­ed by my father in 1979, as a group prac­tice in the 3rd gen­er­a­tion, in Würzburg. As a father of two chil­dren, a moun­taineer and div­er (PADI Advanced Div­er), I see myself as a med­ical advi­sor and com­pan­ion for my patients, going beyond the treat­ment of acute and chron­ic diseases.


After com­plet­ing my med­ical stud­ies in Würzburg, I con­tin­ued my edu­ca­tion in inter­nal med­i­cine for 5 years in the fields of gen­er­al inter­nal med­i­cine, gas­troen­terol­o­gy and haema­to-oncol­o­gy. After com­plet­ing the out­pa­tient fur­ther train­ing sec­tion in a large rur­al med­ical prac­tice in Rim­par, I suc­cess­ful­ly passed the spe­cial­ist exam­i­na­tion for gen­er­al med­i­cine in 2012, with spe­cial­ist com­pe­tence in inter­nal and gen­er­al medicine.

Dur­ing my work as a doc­tor, I became increas­ing­ly aware of how close­ly phys­i­cal ill­ness­es were inter­twined with the men­tal state of patients, so that after my spe­cial­ist exam­i­na­tion I acquired in-depth knowl­edge of the treat­ment of psy­chi­atric and psy­cho­so­mat­ic ill­ness­es as part of a four-year train­ing peri­od at the uni­ver­si­ty clin­ics for Psy­chi­a­try and Psy­chother­a­py in Würzburg and Frankfurt.

Since 2016 I have been estab­lished as a spe­cial­ist in Würzburg, since 2019 in a joint prac­tice with Dr. Math­ias Vescovi.

Dr. med. Sven Zipperich


Spe­cial­ist in Gen­er­al Medicine
Spe­cial­ist com­pe­tence in inter­nal and gen­er­al medicine


News from the doctor’s office


General medical services from vaccination advice to the treatment of psychosomatic diseases. Wide-ranging basic internal diagnostics at the current scientific level.

An inte­gral part of the gen­er­al med­ical con­sul­ta­tion is the med­ical con­sul­ta­tion and the col­lec­tion of the med­ical his­to­ry (anam­ne­sis). We sup­ple­ment these with a wide range of basic inter­nal diag­nos­tics and ther­a­py options:

  • Com­plete lab­o­ra­to­ry diag­nos­tics and acute lab­o­ra­to­ry Tro­ponin and DDimere
  • Coagucheck Quick/INR deter­mi­na­tion for Mar­cum­ar patients also as a home visit
  • Ultra­sound exam­i­na­tion of the abdomen, thy­roid and gen­i­tal organs
  • Elec­tro­car­dio­gram also as long-term ECG and stress ECG
  • Doppler sonog­ra­phy of the vessels/ duplex sonog­ra­phy of the vessels
  • Sleep apnea diag­nos­tics (screen­ing for breath­ing paus­es dur­ing sleep)
  • pul­monary func­tion test
  • chi­rother­a­py
  • health and pre­ven­tive examinations
  • skin can­cer screening
  • Dis­ease Man­age­ment Pro­grams: Dia­betes, COPD, Asth­ma, CHD
  • All lab­o­ra­to­ry diagnostics
  • Psy­cho­so­mat­ic basic care
  • home vis­its
  • Minor surgery, treat­ment of chron­ic wounds
  • pal­lia­tive care
  • Vac­ci­na­tions and trav­el vac­ci­na­tion advice
  • Div­ing med­ical examination


Dr. Vescovi — Dr. Zipperich
und Kol­le­gen

Vir­chow­str. 14
97072 Würzburg

Tel.: 0931–71696
Fax: 0931–885390
Mail: info@familienmedizin-wuerzburg.de